Board Governance Intensive: Building Impactful and Inclusive Boards

Board Governance Intensive: Building Impactful and Inclusive Boards

September 17, 2024 to September 18, 2024
9:30 am

Greater New Orleans Foundation

919 St. Charles Ave.

New Orleans, LA 70130

Register Here

Day One: 9:30am – 4:00pm

Day Two: 9:30am – 12:30pm

Effective board leadership is crucial to an organization’s success. The Board Governance Intensive workshop will support teams of board members, executive directors, and senior staff as they improve their understanding of nonprofit governance; strengthen their diversity, equity, and inclusion practices in governance; increase board engagement; and maximize their board’s impact.

The intensive will address critical governance topics, including:

  • the role of the board and board member responsibilities;
  • governance versus organizational management;
  • board structures and decision-making practices;
  • financial leadership; and
  • board composition, recruitment, and succession planning.

The intensive is designed to be interactive with opportunities to reflect on your board’s experiences and to plan specific action steps for your board. Participants will leave inspired to propel their organizations with effective and efficient board governance expertise!

Participation Requirements

This series will be offered in two sessions over the course of two days – September 17 and September 18. The first day of the intensive will be a full day (9:30 am – 4:00 pm), and the second day will be a half day (9:30 am – 12:30 pm). Both sessions will be held in-person at the Greater New Orleans Foundation (919 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70130.) Attendance on both days and full participation are required.

Organizations are required to register teams of 2-4 participants. Teams should include a minimum of 1 board member and the executive director of the organization. We also encourage the inclusion of any senior leaders charged with governance.

Workshop Fee

The fee to participate in the Board Governance Intensive is $100 per organization. However, we never want funding to prevent participation. We have a small pool of funds available for partial scholarships for qualified participants.

Click here to register for the Board Governance Intensive. Space is limited, and registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until the cohort is full. Payment is due at the time of registration. Please note that, due to space limitations, we may not be able to accommodate additional members on your team after you complete registration. If you have any questions about this governance offering, please contact
Alana Peck at

Meet the Trainer: 

Marla Cornelius, MNA

Nonprofit Leadership, Management, and Board Governance Consultant

Certified Gallup Strengths Coach

Marla Cornelius works with organizations and leaders committed to social justice. She is skilled at designing programs and consulting engagements that blend highly relevant theory with practical application. Her deep understanding of nonprofits, the challenges facing leaders, and the way that power plays out in organizations enables her to create environments where clients can explore new realities, learn new approaches, and achieve their goals. Marla is an expert trainer, coach, and consultant who has also co-authored a number of national studies and research reports on leadership. She has extensive board experience and currently serves on the board of Cat Town, an animal rescue and rehabilitation organization in Oakland, CA.