Evaluation Academy | Multiple Dates (April 1, April 29, and May 20)

Evaluation Academy | Multiple Dates (April 1, April 29, and May 20)

April 1, 2025 to May 20, 2025
9:00 am - 1:00 pm

In-person: Greater New Orleans Foundation, 919 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70130 

As nonprofits strive to deepen their impact and secure long-term change, evaluations can be useful tools to help them define success and measure outcomes. Evaluations also provide opportunities to gather the quantitative and qualitative data nonprofits need for impactful and engaging storytelling.  

In this series, a cohort of nonprofits will examine evaluation frameworks and methods, distinguish between performance measurement and evaluation, and evaluate their own programs. The session topics are: 

  • Session 1: Evaluation Culture and Program Design 
  • Session 2: Evaluation Design 
  • Session 3: Action Planning for Evaluation Implementation 

Participants will also have opportunities to engage in breakout sessions on topics such as data prioritization, creative data collection, evaluation tool development, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, and data storage methods. By the end of the series, participants will have: 

  • Developed an understanding of evaluation culture and identified key stakeholders to engage in creating and maintaining that culture;
  • Created their own logic model detailing their program’s purpose and desired outcomes;
  • Learned how to apply an equity lens to their evaluation practices;
  • Designed a program evaluation plan that includes data collection tools; and
  • Created an action plan to build an evaluation culture and execute their evaluation plan. 

Participation Requirements 

This workshop series is interactive and designed for organizational teams of 2-4 participants with the capacity to attend all three sessions and complete assigned tasks in between sessions. Teams should consist of organizational staff and/or board members with evaluation or evaluation-related responsibilities within the nonprofit. Executive Directors are strongly advised to attend the series; program and development staff are also encouraged to attend. 


The fee for the series is $150 per organization. Payment is due at the time of registration. However, we never want funding to prevent participation. We have a small pool of funds available for partial scholarships for qualified participants. Please email Alana Peck, Senior Program Associate for Nonprofit Leadership and Effectiveness, at alana@gnof.org for more information.  


This series will be offered over three (3) in-person sessions. Below is the series schedule: 

Session Topic Date Time
Evaluation Culture and Program Design  April 1, 2025  9 am 1 pm 
Evaluation Design  April 29, 2025  9 am 1 pm 
Action Planning for Evaluation Implementation  May 20, 2025  9 am 1 pm 


Click here to register for the series. Space is limited. Registration will be accepted on a “first come, first served” basis until March 18 or the cohort is full, whichever is sooner. Attendance at all sessions and full program participation is required. Participants are expected to calendar the sessions at registration time; we will send official calendar invites a few weeks before the start of the series.