New Orleans Youth Climate Action Fund

New Orleans Youth Climate Action Fund

The Youth Climate Action Fund provides funding to engage youth aged 15 through 24 in designing, implementing, and overseeing urgent climate solutions, from tree planting to policy making.

Open Date 02/17/2025
Due Date 03/17/2025


Eligible Groups and Organizations to Apply for a Microgrant:

Youth-Led and Youth-Serving Organizations

  • The organizations must be legally recognized as incorporated entities.
  • They need to have clear charitable goals. Private companies are not eligible as micrograntees.
  • They must possess bank accounts registered under the organization’s name, not under an individual’s name.
  • The organizations can be either youth-led or youth-serving organizations. A youth-serving organization is generally led by adults and provides programs and resources intentionally designed to meet the needs of young people.

Other Sponsor Organizations

  • Other types of organizations can administer and manage the funds and serve as sponsors for youth-led projects.
  • These can include: a city agency or department (such as a library, museum, school, parks and recreation department, or other educational institutions), a community organization, a religious organization, or other recognized organizations or associations that can serve as fiscal agents to support project expenses.
  • This arrangement can work, for instance, in cases where youth groups, classroom initiatives, or school clubs choose to submit projects and wish to manage funds through their affiliated schools.
  • Youth-led projects need to be composed of at least three individuals aged 15 to 24 who actively participate in decision-making and oversight.
  • The city unit that is housing the city’s Youth Climate Action Fund program and evaluating microgrant applications is not eligible as a sponsor of any microgrant applications to ensure transparency and avoid conflicts of interest.

Mandatory Criteria for Microgrant Projects

  • Youth-led projects need to be composed of at least three individuals aged 15 to 24 who actively participate in decision-making and oversight.
  • All microgrants are aligned and explicitly linked with the city’s climate priorities or action plan.
  • Each microgrant must be allocated to a separate and different project.
  • All grants, even when the recipient is an adult-led organization, must be proposed by youth and selected through a transparent, public process.
  • Each project must be led and implemented by youth aged 15-24.
  • No more than three microgrants may be awarded to the same grantee organization.
  • All of the city’s microgrants cannot be directed to one single theme but must demonstrate diversity in local climate action.
  • Equipment and capital investment for infrastructure improvements should not represent more than 50% of a project’s microgrant budget.
  • All projects must be feasible and can be completed by October 31, 2025.
  • Each microgrant must demonstrate high impact with innovative approaches and clear goals.
  • All projects must complete applications and submit reporting documents.

This approach ensures diversity and maximizes the impact of your microgrants. Allocating funds to multiple projects also promotes innovation and addresses a broader range of needs or opportunities within the community.

Eligible Microgrant Project Expenses

Eligible microgrant project expenses include:

  • Project supplies and materials, including rental and purchase of items directly needed to carry out the project, such as equipment, tools, art supplies, or technology.
  • Costs for organizing community events, workshops, or educational sessions, including venue rental, printing of materials for participants, and basic refreshments.
  • Costs for any necessary permits to implement the project in accordance with local regulations.
  • Reasonable ground travel expenses for youth participants or team members directly involved in project implementation.
  • Promotional materials to raise awareness about the project, encourage engagement from stakeholders and the greater community, and share project results including photography, editorial support, and videography.
  • Reasonable fees for training and mentorship offered in workshops with youth participants
  • Project sponsorship costs that local NGOs, civic groups, neighborhood clubs, schools or other organizations may charge for receiving a microgrant on behalf of youth project leads. The costs should be no more than 15% of the microgrant value.
  • Microgrants are not intended as stipends or salary for the youth leads, but rather to encourage volunteerism and civic engagement. Therefore, the following expenses are permitted, but they should not make up the majority of the microgrant: funds to enable youth participation such as bus fare, per diems for food or gift cards.

Ineligible Microgrant Project Expenses:

The following expenses are not eligible for the Youth Climate Action Fund program:

  • Services covered by existing city initiatives
  • Rent or utilities, unless specified above
  • Nonprofit/NGO incorporation fees
  • Speaker honorariums and speaker fees
  • Scholarships
  • Direct support to individuals or families
  • Partisan political organizations
  • Political campaigns, fundraisers, or projects
  • Capital campaigns, endowments, or endowed chairs
  • Events or fundraisers not related to youth climate action

Click here to apply