Impact 100

We support women by expanding the impact of their giving.

Across the country and across the globe women are taking their rightful place at the table where decisions are made. Nowhere is their presence more powerfully felt than in philanthropy, where women’s values and visions are reshaping our world. Registration is now open for Impact 100 2025.

What is Impact 100?

The Greater New Orleans Foundation’s women’s giving circle, Impact 100 is a group of over 100 local women who commit to giving $1,100 each and together making a single transformative grant to a local nonprofit. Impact 100 also give out smaller gifts to the other three finalists they select each year. 2025 will be Impact 100’s 13th year of grantmaking. Since its inaugural year, Impact 100 has granted more than $1.4 million to nonprofits across our region. Recipient nonprofits use the grant to deepen their impact and grow their network of supporters.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed women can change the world.”
Margaret Mead

Why Impact 100?

Because, as Margaret Mead said, it really only takes a small group of committed individuals to change the world. In recent years, as women have stepped into their power—including their earning power—women’s giving circles have become influential change agents in communities across the country.

The nonprofits doing great work in our community need the support of philanthropists to sustain themselves and to continue making positive impact in our region. We believe it’s time for a women’s giving circle to transform some of the pressing issues facing the New Orleans region. By pooling our resources and focusing our efforts, we can be the change agents few of us can afford to be alone. Together, we can demonstrate the power of collaborative giving.

Women Making an Impact

Since its inaugural year 13 years ago, Impact 100 has granted out more than $1.4 million to nonprofits across our region.

On Monday, November 18, Impact 100, the Greater New Orleans Foundation’s women’s giving circle, surprised leaders of Health and Education Alliance of Louisiana (HEAL) with this year’s $100,000 transformative grant. HEAL will use the award money to grow their staff and support five new charter schools in New Orleans by providing them with nurses and mental health professionals whose salaries can be covered in future years by Medicaid reimbursements, adding these vital services for more than 3,200 additional children. HEAL enrolls schools in Medicaid in Schools program, allows schools to build capacity and make positions permanent, and connects families to resources thus boosting attendance and academic scores. HEAL has successfully enrolled 33 schools in the Medicaid in Schools program, impacting over 420,000 students. Watch the HEAL team learn about their win!

Before voting on the winner of the 2024 grant, Impact 100 members heard pitches from four local nonprofits about how they would use the $100,000 grant on November 13. View the pictures from the Pitch Event here. All participating nonprofits received pitch training and a profile video created by our nonprofit partner, New Orleans Video Access Center (NOVAC.) To watch the nonprofit pitch videos, please click here. While there is only one winner of the $100,000 grant, the three runners-up, 18th Ward Sports Club, Center for Employment Opportunities, and Grace at the Green Light, each received a $9,000 grant.

Thank you to Impact 100’s incredible presenting sponsor, Villere & Co., for their generous financial support.

For membership questions or to learn more about Impact 100, please contact Meg Miles, Vice President for Philanthropy, at 504.598.1291.

  • Impact 100 2024 Membership

    Susan Allen

    Peggy Adams*

    Katherine Lauricella Ainsley

    Karen Aron

    Barbara Arras

    Carol Asher*

    Penny Selber Autenreith

    Allison Bach

    Jean Meaux Ballanco

    Stephanie Barksdale

    Judy Barrasso

    Dawn M. Barrios

    Erica Beck

    Barbara S. Beckman

    Margaret Benjamin

    Elizabeth Boh

    Katherine Boh

    Jolie Bonck

    Bridget Bories

    Kim Boyle

    Christine Briede

    Florence Brown

    Lynne Burkart

    Celeste Cahn

    Elise Cahn

    Marie Cahn*

    Adrienne Celestine

    Vanessa Claiborne

    Lynn Coatney

    Hattie Collins

    Mathilde Currence

    Katie Darden

    Casie Z. Davidson

    Karen DeBlieux

    Nina Dhurandhar

    Susan Dill*

    Aleicia Donald

    Nancy Ellis

    Beth Favrot

    Megan Fisher

    Amy Flower*

    Catherine Freeman*

    Ellen Frischhertz

    Jennifer Gardner*

    Kimberly George

    Maureen Gershanik*

    Katie Gibert

    Amy Glovinsky

    Becky Goff

    Michele Goldfarb

    Kathy Gootee

    Deborah A. Grant

    Kathleen Gray

    Savannah Greenbaum

    Elinor Gregory

    Tyra Gross

    Sue Guarisco

    Ann P. Harris

    Alison Hartman

    Jessie Schott Haynes

    Kate Holcomb

    Peggy Honoré

    Andrea Huseman*

    Elizabeth Ingram*

    Jeanette Jaffe

    Natalie Jayroe

    Mary Johnson

    Rena Jolly

    Charel Katz

    Lori Keeffe

    Madeline Kirby

    Amanda Kogos

    Mara Kupperman

    Martha Landrum

    Gay LeBreton

    Rosie Lee

    Jené Liggins

    Susan Loehr

    Maude B. Lofton

    Lynn Long

    Diana Mann

    Lynn Marsh

    Sarah Martzolf

    Mary Bliss McCrossen

    Lori Mince

    Leann Moses**

    Kim Nave

    Carole Neff

    Andrea Neighbours

    Terri North

    Stephanie November

    Janice Parmelee

    Suzanne Perlis

    Mary Peters

    Laura Politz

    Denise Puente

    Molly Pulda

    Jennifer Rosen

    Sandy Rosenthal

    Sheila Sanderford

    Susan Schadt

    Peggy Schleiff

    Kristen Schorp

    Allie Shapiro Dandry

    Jackie Shreves*

    Jackie Silverman

    Claire Stahel*

    Jane Steiner

    Julie Stokes

    Stephanie Stokes

    Allison Stouse

    Monica Sylvain

    Cherie Thompson

    Nancy Timm

    LaVerne Toombs*

    Kim Tuleu

    Valerie Uccellani

    Melanee Usdin

    Michelle Villere

    Ellie Wainer

    Tricia Weeks*

    Madeline West

    Brandy Whisnant

    Elizabeth V. Williams

    Dian Winingder

    Laura Woltanski

    Tamara Wyre

    Sarah Young

    * Advisory Committee Member

    ** Advisory Committee Chair

  • Impact 100 2025 Events

    April 8 – Impact 100 Spring Social

    The full schedule of events for Impact 2025 will be announced in the coming months.